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Duša Michelin Air Comp Ultra Light 26" 1,5-2,2 Autoventil

Kód: 125031
Značka: Michelin
€6,95 €5,79 bez DPH
Skladom (2 ks)

Alternatívny rozmer: 37/54-559

Hmotnosť 152g

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Alternatívny rozmer: 37/54-559

Hmotnosť 152g

Weight is every road racer's enemy. A few grams can decide between winning and losing. Professionals and amateurs alike can profit from the advantages of the remarkably light Michelin AirComp Ultralight inner tubes!

Type C4 identifies the inner tubes for 26" mountain bike tires with a width from 1.5" - 2.2".

Dimensions: 37/54 x 599

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